Sunday, March 1, 2009

2 months into upward looking year, 2009

i know there are all signs of gloom around especially with job losses, home foreclosure, lack of credit [Ajit said Wells Fargo won't budge under 8%], inspite of that it does feel like 2009 is off to a good start.
  • there is a straight talking leader in the white house
  • he's action oriented, not all of his actions are going to be popular
  • fear of bank nationalization - but the tough talk is going to translate to accountability [imho, banks can't be nationalized in the true sense of the word in this country]
  • California has a budget
  • its raining in northern california, yay!
These legislators, congressmen who could only stalemate in recent times are acting. there is hope, i certainly think a lot of moves in the positive direction have to translate to some common good.

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