Thursday, June 4, 2020

Black Lives Matter

I have been reflecting a lot on my privilege - Indian-American, Engineer, Male
I yet don't have anything cogent to add to the dialog except for the visceral feeling that what happened is wrong, how did we enshrine this as a society - there are many answers, protest to change this system.
Some reflections,

  • I am a privileged man– blessed in life with access to good education, access to business opportunities. I have had steady work– I have been fortunate to have been employed at Google for the past ten years. But many of these things were only made possible.
Thank you, Civil rights movement. ⚑
  • Without that I would have never even been able to come to America, to have those business opportunities, to receive the education that I did.
  • In a broad sense, the movement led to where I am today.
  • The issues arising now, with the death of George Floyd, the protests arising from this tragedy – I have only seen this be aggravated through the actions, or rather, inaction of the president. His words show almost complete disregard of black lives, though they are the ones faced with the most adversity
  • Through the words of Trevor Noah, in a recent commentary, I was able to gain greater insight into the feelings behind peoples' actions

Words fail me now - will continue to reflect.
Love all, find that which unites us.

George Floyd's death and the following protest movement feels like a groundswell that i certainly hope will bring about much needed change. Change will be painful, but it is high time.